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Kelazatan ‘busy’

April 8, 2009

Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda yang bermaksud :

” Rebutlah lima perkara sebelum datangnya lima perkara. Pertama : masa sihat sebelum sakit. Kedua : masa kaya sebelum datangnya masa sempit (miskin). Ketiga : masa lapang sebelum tiba masa sibuk. Keempat : masa mudamu sebelum datang masa tua dan kelima masa hidup sebelum tiba masa mati.” (riwayat al-Hakim dan al-Baihaqi).

Jika diliihat tajuk entri kali ini, lain pula halnya. Menyedari kenikmatan kesibukan berbanding kelapangan. Contohnya, bila di tengah-tengah sem, mesti akan terfikir,

“Ahhh, letihnya hari-hari kene pergi sekolah. Dah lah banyak kerja, bosan lak tuh. Rasa nak tinggal je semua benda pastu pergi melancong!!”

And then, apabila sampai pula cuti yang ditunggu-tunggu, kebetulan pulak masa tu takde rezeki nak ke mana-mana. Hah! Duduklah dalam rumah tiap-tiap hari. Layan internet pon dah naik bosan. Nak baca buku pulak, tak minat. Haa.. time ni la kita baru rasa nak pergi sekolah lah, tulis blog lah(sebab gatal sangat tangan nak menaip) Punyalah nak buat kerja. Time ni lah baru rasa,

“Ahh, kan bagus kalo aku usaha sungguh-sungguh masa ada kerja dulu. Ni tidak, buat separuh hati, sebab kepala otak dah dekat England mana-mana entah”

Hah, nak buat macam mana dengan semangat rajin tuh? Tak tahu nak dihala ke mana kerajinan nih. Akhirnya, timbullah idea utk membuat sesuatu yang sengal lagi tidak bermakna. Seperti ini..

Hak yang atas sekali tu je macam bermakna sikit. Sebab memasak. Tu pon untuk membesarkan perut jugak, isk3.

Apa nak jadi lah ni. Buku banyak lagi tak baca. Kenkyushitsu nak kene pilih. Aduss. Hah, kalo siapa2 ada tips utk memilih kenkyushitsu, patut dipilih kenkyu ke sensei? 

Kerjasama amatlah dihargai.


p/s: Entri pertama dalam bahasa Melayu yang dikira bukan ‘wake-wakaranai’ entri. Tapi still tak bermakna, hoho. Agaknya kalo sy tulis dalam bahasa Melayu, ayat terus jadi tak best kot. Hmm.. macam mana nak buat ayat berbunyi ala-ala sastera ek? 😛

12 Comments leave one →
  1. ZaliZabrina permalink*
    April 8, 2009 01:41

    *Nota kaki:

    kenkyushitsu – research lab (lebih kurang la maknanye)

    kenkyu – research

    sensei – cikgu

  2. April 8, 2009 03:24

    Sis, saya rindu masa saya bekerja dulu 😦

  3. ZaliZabrina permalink*
    April 8, 2009 19:47 some ways, zaman busy mesti lg best kan..

  4. April 9, 2009 02:41

    Sure.It was.You know what.I’m a cook. 🙂
    I love cooking for my customers.

  5. ZaliZabrina permalink*
    April 9, 2009 23:18

    I figured that from your blog.. 😀

  6. April 10, 2009 00:08

    some tips to choose lab huh? as someone already gave me before. now i transcend it to you. first, the sensei. some already said to me (kawasaki actually 😛 ) that sensei you might know from lectures/classes can be a total different person when in lab. it might be yes, might be not too, depends on how you behave in front of him. in classes, he only meets you like for 90 minutes. but in lab like for the whole day. he sees you, even not directly from his eyes, remember he has others (your lab members). since you’re working with them in one group, everyone’s actually observing you. but it won’t be a big deal if you always be good student to sensei.

    2nd, the environment.
    for me the apparatus, instruments and stuffs. i don’t know about you. since you’re in architecture. it won’t be much things like me, which almost all i can’t handle it myself – always under seniors/sensei’s guidance. so now it’s back to the 1st thing – sensei.

    3rd, your interest.
    i think it’s the same for any college. priority is given to those with flying color results. but it doesn’t mean your choices will be abandoned at all. give it a try.

    consider the laboratories which satisfing these three the most as your first choice. and then the less satisfying will go the 2nd and the same for the next.

    i requote my senior’s words here.

    “Your path has been decided. Your task is only to choose, but it’s actually already there. “Decided” is your destiny. And “choose” is your “effort to find it”. ”

    Good luck dear! 🙂

  7. ZaliZabrina permalink*
    April 10, 2009 00:15

    Wow, a good one!
    I’ve been waiting for someone to give me the tips, and I think you’ve done a great job at it.
    I actually thought about these things, I just needed someone to say it to be sure. I think I know where I’m gonna go. Just been beating around the bush, refusing to let go the other options too..
    Thanks dearie!

  8. April 11, 2009 02:36

    Err…hye guys.Lol…a hell of a comment.How did you guys write a long comment on something?I cant really write that long.

  9. warkahraudhah permalink
    April 11, 2009 10:51

    Assalamualaikum wbt

    Kadang-kadang waktu sibuk dapat lebih memproaktifkan seseorang.Waktu sibuk inilah kita diuji dari segala segi,baik dari segi pengurusan kesihatan,semangat spiritual dan segala macam perkara lain yang berkaitan.

    Selamat meneroka waktu sibuk dan selamat memasuki keknyushitse.

    *akak lebih tokui tulis dalam bi ? : )

  10. ZaliZabrina permalink*
    April 11, 2009 16:38


    Waalaikumsalam wbt
    Ahlan wasahlan..
    Thanks for the comment 🙂

  11. April 14, 2009 05:54

    new post please…i need to read…

  12. ZaliZabrina permalink*
    April 14, 2009 16:10

    haha sorry, stakat ni no idea laa..
    plus, baru stat sem..dah mula x lyn tenet, hehe
    kalo nak membaca, ought to read this
    enjoy 🙂

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